Senin, 01 April 2013

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The Standard Good Website Design

By Bill Schultz

Nowadays, people have full access to the internet and can therefore access a lot of information from all over the world. Because of this, marketers have utilized the web in order to make their presence felt among the public consumers. That is why if one would really want to gain a lot of support from the public, then he must have a very good website design.

These days, anyone with some spare cash, a computer, and internet connection can make a website. However, the only question would be whether the site would look good or not. Consumers would always associate credibility and professionalism of the company through the looks and functionality of the site.

Now when a viewer looks at the company site, he is already scrutinizing it and making a first impression in his mind. If the company would want the viewer to like the site at first glance, then the colors should be very nice to the eyes. The technique here is that there should be only two or three main colors should be used.

Not only are looks very important when it comes to internet marketing but user friendliness as well. Take note that a designer must not only think about how attractive the site will be but he must also think about how to arrange the buttons and sections in such a way where the viewers will have an easy time to browse around. In other words, the viewers must be able to find what they are looking for easily otherwise they will never go back to the site again.

Many individuals state that as long as the content of the site is good, design is not a big issue. It is true that the content is what keeps the people but the design and arrangement of even the words is very crucial. The arrangement of the content is extremely important because no potential customer would want to look at words that will hurt their eyes.

As to the wording it is always important not to make websites too wordy because people will just disregard it. Also remember that pictures along with the words are a great way to grab the attention of the viewers. So always take note that the content should be informative and factual, but at the same time straight to the point.

Although taken for granted a lot, the font of a website is extremely important. Fancy fonts do look appealing but they do not look professional. It is always better to stick to the block fonts so that it will look nice and can be easily read by viewers. There may be some instances when fancy fonts will be used but make sure it is only used for headers or titles only.

So basically, these are some things to think of when creating a good website design. The main reason one would want to have a nice site is so that customers will view the company as legit. If the site is proper and tidy as well as attractive, then people will definitely have a positive view on the company.

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